Travelers Rest Baptist Church
Use of Church Facilities
All church facilities shall be used exclusively for Honoring and Glorifying the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Any use to the contrary is strictly prohibited. To that extent, the use of alcohol and illicit drugs is strictly prohibited on all church property. The use of tobacco is strictly prohibited inside or in close proximity of church buildings. Additionally, any behavior that will tarnish or appear to tarnish our Christian Witness is strictly prohibited. Unless indicated otherwise in this policy, the church facilities shall only be available to members and their immediate family (spouse, children, grandchildren), and their guests.
Pre-approved Use of Church Facilities
All church facilities shall be made available for all church activities and shall take precedence over any other request for use.
Any temporary church related teaching materials may be affixed to appropriate surfaces: laminated counters, high gloss window/door frames, easels, or free standing teaching boards with non-staining, non-damaging removable products.
No decorations shall be affixed to painted drywall/sheetrock except on preexisting/permanently affixed hooks or hangers. No decorations shall be affixed to the ceilings.
Conditionally Approved Use for Church Members
Wedding Ceremonies
Dates and times shall not conflict with regularly scheduled church activities.
The throwing of rice and confetti is strictly prohibited. Birdseed may be thrown if completely swept and removed from steps and walkways immediately following ceremony.
No decorations shall be affixed to painted drywall/sheetrock except on preexisting/permanently affixed hooks or hangers. No decorations shall be affixed to the ceilings.
The bridal party shall be responsible for removing decorations, trash, etc., and cleaning the building within six (6) hours of the ceremony.
Wedding Receptions
Dates and times shall not conflict with regularly scheduled church activities.
The throwing of rice and confetti is strictly prohibited. Birdseed may be thrown if completely swept and removed from steps and walkways immediately following ceremony.
No decorations shall be affixed to painted drywall/sheetrock except on preexisting/permanently affixed hooks or hangers. No decorations shall be affixed to the ceilings.
The bridal party shall be responsible for removing decorations, trash, etc., and cleaning the building within two (2) hours of the ceremony.
Church Family Activities: Anniversary Receptions, Wedding Showers, Baby Showers, etc.
Dates and times shall not conflict with regularly scheduled church activities.
No decorations shall be affixed to painted drywall/sheetrock except on preexisting/permanently affixed hooks or hangers. No decorations shall be affixed to the ceilings.
The reserving host shall be responsible for removing decorations, trash, etc., and cleaning the building within two (2) hours of the ceremony.
Conditionally Approved Use for Non-Church Members
The church facilities can only be used for weddings/wedding receptions for Non-Church Members, if the ceremony is being performed by the pastor(s) of the church. In special circumstances, a pastor from another church may conduct the ceremony, only with approval by the Travelers Rest Body of Deacons.
Wedding Ceremonies
A fee of $100 shall be charged for the use of the church sanctuary. This fee shall be separate from the Pastor’s Honorarium.
Dates and times shall not conflict with regularly scheduled church activities.
The throwing of rice and confetti is strictly prohibited. Birdseed may be thrown if completely swept and removed from steps and walkways immediately following ceremony.
No decorations shall be affixed to painted drywall/sheetrock except on preexisting/permanently affixed hooks or hangers. No decorations shall be affixed to the ceilings.
The bridal party shall be responsible for removing decorations, trash, etc., and cleaning the building within six (6) hours of the ceremony.
Wedding Receptions
A fee of $100 shall be charged for the use of the church fellowship hall.
Dates and times shall not conflict with regularly scheduled church activities.
The throwing of rice and confetti is strictly prohibited. Birdseed may be thrown if completely swept and removed from steps and walkways immediately following ceremony.
No decorations shall be affixed to painted drywall/sheetrock except on preexisting/permanently affixed hooks or hangers. No decorations shall be affixed to the ceilings.
The bridal party shall be responsible for removing decorations, trash, etc., and cleaning the building within two (2) hours of the ceremony.
Conditionally Approved Use for Visiting Churches:
As the schedule permits, all church facilities may be made available to other churches.
Scheduling Requests:
All requests that are in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for the use of Church Facilities shall be made to the Building Facilitator. The Church Facilities Calendar will be reviewed and, if the request can be met, and is being made by a church member, the event will be scheduled. If the request is being made by a non-church member, and the date(s) can be met, the Building Facilitator will take the request to the Travelers Rest Body of Deacons for their approval/denial. The Church Facilities Calendar will be maintained in the secretary’s office.
All other uses not stated above shall require approval from the Travelers Rest Body of Deacons. All decisions must reflect the Church’s desire to honor and glorify our Lord.
All above rules and regulations will be adhered to by the requesting party and the Church facilities and grounds will be left in the condition found. Any damages are the responsibility of the requesting party.
Hereby accepted:
Requesting Party’s Name (Please Print)
__________________________________________ _________________
Requesting Party’s Signature Date
__________________________________________ _________________
Church Representative’s Signature Date
Adopted January 18, 2004
Amended April 18, 2006
Amended July 21, 2009
Amended June 23, 2010